Archive for the ‘South America’ Category

#64 Guyana: BEAT (or EAT?)

I bought a new pair of jeans a few months ago at an Esprit outlet, and I thought I’d bought some good sh*t. The jeans are comfortable, my ass looks relatively non-terrible and somewhat non-flabby in them, and I only spent $15. Not bad, right? Trouble is, the jeans have one weird flaw. When you […]


#62 Peru: conservative palates gone wild, volume 7

Today was one of the rare days when I tried NOT to eat anything unusual or exotic. I was dining with one of my favorite ex-students, an imminently likable guy from upstate New York who claims to be “a complete pussy when it comes to food”… and those are his words, not mine. In honor […]


#61 Paraguay: lard, love, and little balls

Like Uruguay, Paraguay is a (probably thoroughly amazing) country that I visited far too quickly. Back when I was dumb and young (things have changed enormously: now I’m dumb and approaching middle age), I passed through Paraguay for about 24 delirious hours, while riding the cheapest series of cross-continent buses I could find between Sao […]


#52 Colombia: the holy grail (orgasm, choir of angels, etc.) of international food

According to my lovely fiancé, a Colombian stew called ajiaco is better than an orgasm, a choir of angels, a full-body massage, and the holy grail, all rolled into one. She went to Bogota eleven years ago, and hasn’t stopped ranting about the awesomeness of ajiaco bogotano since. Ajiaco might be the most often-mentioned food […]


#49 Venezuela: non-evil… really

I spent a somewhat awkward month in eastern Venezuela in 2007, when George W. Bush and Hugo Chavez were at the height of their enmity. President Bush’s axis of evil speech (which, for the record, did not actually include Venezuela) had become legendary in Venezuela, and Chavez spent much of his time making four-hour speeches […]